Monday, December 19, 2011

Wireless router?

My neighboor has a wireless internet connection (WiFi) for his internet cafe business due to unavailability of telephone connections in our locale. A small antenna is used to receive signal from the network provider and feed signal to his computer network. A friend advised me that I can also access the connection by using a router connected to my own PC. Is there any limitations for this? Is distance a factor in accessing the nearby signal? What will be the factors to consider so that I can successfully share the wireless connections? thanks|||If your close enough you can get a signal, yes you can, if they find out you could get into serious trouble.............|||You have a distance factor that effects your signal. if your too far away then you wont get a good signal.If it is password protected you would need that password it may not be though.But this is highly illegal............. your basicly gettong free internet will also need a wireless card installed into your comp.|||Your friend if generous enough could set-up a wireless access point or wireless router and allow you to share his connection for free.

This is not illegal because you are getting the signal from his router/access point and not from the WiFi service provider (unless the WiFi provider says it is illegal to share connection).

You would need a wireless adapter (PCI for PC and PC Card or USB for laptops) if your computer does not have one yet to access the wireless router/access point of your friend.

The connection speed and signal strength depend how far your pc from your friend's wireless router and your friend's router coverage. Some routers can service from 100 meters (normal range) up to 800 meters (extended range) in open space.

You can use an extender or repeater to boost the signal. Some access points could be configured as repeater to do this.

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