Friday, December 16, 2011

How do I use my wired router as a wireless router?

I just bought a new tv. The router that we have for our computers is a router that actually is directly connected to each computer via ethernet cable. Is there a way to connect to the internet wirelessly with my tv without getting a new router? I do not want a wireless router for the other computers.|||Unless the TV has Internet Protocol capability, you can't connect it to any router, wireless or wired. Internet protocol is not the same as over-the-air TV reception.

If it does (these days, I wouldn't predict what is or isn't possible) have wireless capability, check the router's description. Most routers these days have both wired and wireless capability.

Hope that helps.|||unless it's already a wireless router no. you can buy wireless routers that hard-wired connections also.|||Sell your wired one. Buy a wireless one with the money you got from the wired one. Tah-dah!

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